
Safety Awards


Letter press block

One of the more odd items I have found on ebay. This is for a letter press, which would ink these blocks, then push a piece of paper into them. To be clear, these are individual blocks and it is unlikely that they were ever printed together like this. I bought them just as an […]



I have come across a variety of Interlake/Acme pen knives which were likely all given out as safety awards. The first of course is the money clip/knife I got from Steve Buckner. It is a real beauty – you can see the details about that one at the link above. I have since purchased two […]


ID Badges

These badges are not limited to the Chicago coke plant, or any Acme/Interlake coke plant in particular. The Toledo and Zenith plants were integrated so these would have been issued to all employees regardless of what department they worked in. I am lucky enough to own the first four as seen above – hopefully one […]


Anniversary Awards

A variety of real gold tie pins and other items can be found as they were given to employees for milestones in their careers. It harkens back to another era when large companies cared for their employees and hoped they would stay for the long run. These often sell for heightened values based on the […]



In the days before disposable lighters – and when everybody out there was smoking – matchbooks were a great promo item. Both Acme and Interlake took advantage of this and got their name into the marketplace for many years!


Odds and Ends

eBay is a service everyone knows as an online marketplace where people sell new and used goods. This much is true. I have used the site for 20 years in both roles and still look at the site almost everyday. What most people do not understand is that eBay is an excellent way to research […]


Acme Mug

What you see above is the very first of many hundreds of texts Doug Podgorny and I have exchanged in the past 9 months. I was standing on Baltimore Ave, about to embark for a very chilly ride to the plant. We had just exchanged phone numbers via email the day before and he alluded […]


Acme Money Clip

I look back on when I first started my research, and later began to build this website….if you told me then I’d make a couple friends as a result, I wouldn’t believe you. Former plant instrumentation supervisor and general good guy Steve Buckner sent me the above text out of the blue and I could […]