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Stand Up For Steel
Dr. Deming

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Hello, my name is Roy Pradelski.  

I am the Cooperative Partnership Coordinator for Acme Steel's  Chicago Coke Plant.  I am a member of the diverse Acme Coke Plant Team.  The Cooperative Partnership is an ongoing process instituted by the United Steelworkers of America and the United Plant Guard Workers Association, in conjunction with Acme Steel.  I am a member of Local #1657, U.S.W.A.

The Cooperative Partnership is a relatively new concept in the area of Union and Company relationships.  The program itself is multi-faceted; it is designed to help refine the quality of our products, solve problems, and improve the integrity of work life within the Plant.  The idea is to improve teamwork between Union and Management people.

Teamwork is not an original notion here at Acme Steel Chicago Coke Plant.  We have been working informally as a team for a number of years.  Due to the hard work and dedication of our employees at Acme, we are among the top quality producers of Coke in the world.  I am proud to be a member of this exceptional organization.  We want to grow on this strong foundation within the active team environment.

We hope to develop a sturdy and lasting bond between the Company and the Union. 


For more information on the Cooperative Partnership process contact: 

Roy Pradelski  Cooperative Partnership Coordinator

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