Metallurgical Coke, Coke Stability, Foundry Coke
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Acme Steel Enters Foundry Coke Market
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Acme's concept of Foundry Coke production is simple:  Produce a high quality product at the lowest possible price.

Our carefully assembled team of experienced professionals has not only enabled us to produce a foundry coke of superior quality, but just as importantly, to pass a cost savings along to our customers.

Many years of experience producing a quality metallurgical coke has allowed us to apply the same high standards to produce a superior quality foundry coke. The added benefit of Acme's Coke Plant's location, in Chicago, Illinois, has allowed us to save our customers shipping costs as well.

Our Enterprise
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A.C.M.E. (Acme Customers Merit Excellence) is the guiding standard behind our coke production. It starts with coal selection, sampling of incoming coals, and continues through the coal blending and coking process. The finished coke is analyzed, screened for proper size and shipped on time. The customer's satisfaction is our primary goal.  By applying these principles at each stage of the coke making process value is added to our products which ultimately  benefits the customer.

     For Information about our Products Contact:

    Jack Garzella - Division Manager
    (773) 933-5100

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